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Vol. 72/No. 27      July 7, 2008

Vigil protests undercover cop
killing of Houston man
HOUSTON—“We’ve had enough. For the Houston Police Department it’s open season on young Black men,” Cynthia Barnes told the Militant.

Barnes helped organize a press conference and vigil June 12 to demand answers on the slaying of Tarrance Brown, who she says was shot two times in the back as he was fleeing the cops.

In the early morning hours of June 4, Brown, 32, was riding his bicycle when he was approached by three cops from the undercover “gang tactical unit.” The police say they fired Tasers at Brown.

Brown started running toward the Crescent City Apartments and was shot by Officer Shane Nash.

“The cops claimed he had drugs and a weapon that he held in his left hand,” Barnes said. “Neither was found at the scene.”

Houston Police Department public relations officer Capt. Bruce Williams claimed someone stole the alleged drugs and weapon while Brown lay in the apartment complex dying. Barnes asked, “Can you imagine, someone is going to go in the middle of this crime scene and steal something?”

Joyetta Young, Brown’s mother, told the vigil, “Everything they are saying about my son is not true. Justice will be done.”

Anthony Dutrow is the Socialist Workers Party candidate for Texas State Representative, District 138.  
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