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Vol. 72/No. 28      July 14, 2008

Heatstroke deaths rising among farm workers
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that death from heatstroke is rising among farm workers in the United States.

Between 1992 and 2006, 423 U.S. workers died of heatstroke, 68 of them farm workers. The report says that heatstroke is likely underreported given that it may not be recognized at the time of death or is not recognized by state agencies as meeting the definition for an injury-related death. The majority of heatstroke deaths occurred among foreign-born workers, approximately 71 percent of them among workers from Latin America.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health reports that occupational mortality rates for agricultural workers are approximately four times the rate for all other industries.

The report points out that in very hot weather farm workers often have to wear extra clothing to protect themselves from hazards such as pesticide poisoning or other hazards associated with handling crops.  
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