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Vol. 72/No. 29      July 21, 2008

Solitary confinement
From May 30 until June 1 at Temple University in Philadelphia, I attended a conference on ending solitary confinement for inmates in prisons. Some inmates are kept in solitary confinement for a year or more, former inmates testified. Also mentioned were people in prison who are framed up and simply there for their politics.

Although not mentioned at the conference, the prison population doubled mostly during the “liberal” administration of William Clinton.

Charles Wolfsfeld
Philadelphia, PA

Leonard Peltier
First, Leonard and I want to thank you for the outpouring of support. Please continue to urge prison authorities to provide Leonard with a test kit so that he can control his diabetes. We also want Leonard to receive diabetic shoes to help with his diabetes-related foot problems.

In the last several days, Leonard has finally been able to see a doctor. However, the diabetes testing kit remains an issue.

Citing security reasons, U.S. Penitentiary-Lewisburg will not allow Leonard to have a testing kit in his cell. But Leonard is not asking to have a kit in his cell. We're asking that Leonard be allowed to have his own kit at the pharmacy for accurate readings, as well as easy and regular access.

Often, there are no medical personnel to help him at the infirmary and the “general kit” which is used by other prisoners could give false readings. With his personal kit he will be able to test himself three or four times a day and hopefully achieve a balanced blood glucose level.

All supporters are requested to continue to contact: Warden Bledsoe, USP Lewisburg, US Penitentiary, 2400 Robert F. Miller Drive, Lewisburg, PA 17837. Phone: 570-523-1251, Fax: 570-522-7745, E-mail: lew/

Betty Ann Peltier Solano
Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee
Fargo, ND
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