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Vol. 72/No. 36      September 15, 2008

‘Five Stars and One Song’ concert
The front page ad of this week’s issue of the Militant urges a big turnout for the “Five Stars and One Song” concert at Hostos College in New York to help advance the fight to free Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Fernando González, René González, and Antonio Guerrero, five Cuban revolutionaries unjustly incarcerated in U.S. prisons for the past 10 years.

The event, sponsored by the International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5, is a first of its kind in the United States for this campaign. It involves a number of well-known performing artists who are standing up to pressure in order to put on this concert. It is certain to attract a broad audience who will come to listen to top-flight musicians and to learn about the case of the Cuban Five.

The event should serve as an example of the type of activities that can be organized in the United States, and around the world, to expose and overturn the U.S. government frame-up of the Cuban Five. From Boston to Chicago to Houston and Los Angeles there are artists and others who will be willing to donate their time and energies to this just cause.

Readers of the Militant should also help to build attendance at the concert to counter the campaign by opponents of the Cuban Revolution who have tried to pressure musicians from performing there and others from participating. Many students, artists, and working people will not take kindly to being told what music they can listen to, or that they should close their minds to the truth about a U.S. government frame-up.

A complement to the concert in New York will be another important activity in defense of the Cuban Five—a march and rally in Washington, D.C., on September 13 demanding their release. Speakers there will feature Leonard Weinglass, attorney for the Cuban Five, and other leaders of their defense campaign.
Related articles:
N.Y. concert part of broad campaign to free the Cuban 5
Ad for concert with world-renowned Latin musicians for the Cuban 5  
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