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Vol. 72/No. 44      November 10, 2008

SWP Party-Building Fund gets
boost as campaign effort steps up
The Party-Building Fund of the Socialist Workers Party is gaining momentum after the third week as supporters of the communist movement step up campaigning efforts across the country and around the world. Increased contributions have narrowed the gap between funds collected and this week’s target. Branches and supporters of the Socialist Workers Party are now in a position to take the next step—build on this week’s momentum and surpass our targets for next week.

Four branches have raised their goals in recent weeks. “The Chicago branch decided to raise its fund quota from $8,000 to $9,000 based on new pledges and the response by contributors in the region who are inspired by the work of the party today,” reports Dennis Richter, fund director in Chicago.

An October 26 meeting in Chicago celebrating 80 years of building a communist party in the United States featured talks by Betsey Farley and Joe Swanson, leaders of the Chicago and Des Moines SWP branches, respectively. The event netted $1,542 in contributions. Five new pledges were made, including one from a meat packer and another from a rubber worker.

Tony Dutrow, fund director in Houston, reports $1,380 was raised in new pledges and contributions at a similar meeting there that weekend. The event featured a presentation by Tom Leonard, a longtime leader of the SWP, on the party’s rich history in the U.S. class struggle and its lessons for today.

Meetings are scheduled around the country to celebrate the party’s 80 years of communist continuity and to raise money towards the fund. For information on how to make a contribution, contact a distributor on page 8.

$90,000 SWP Party-Building Fund chart: week 3

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