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Vol. 73/No. 8      March 2, 2009

Case of Eddie Bell
Eddie Bell is scheduled to be executed in Virginia February 19 despite the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that the mentally retarded cannot be executed. Bell, who is Jamaican-born, was convicted of killing a white cop in 1999. He maintains his innocence.

The Virginia Supreme Court said he can’t be provided an expert to determine mental retardation without first proving retardation, and then ignored a report filed by his expert witness that concluded retardation.

Kim O’Brien
Willimantic, Connecticut

Madoff’s America
Bernie Madoff was arrested for embezzling over $50 billion from the deregulated free marketplace. He made money the same way all the financial racketeers still do.

As a billionaire, he was not jailed, but placed under house arrest in his luxurious New York apartment.

$50 billion is far more than was spent on the Food Stamp program last year.

A prisoner

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‘Militant’ Prisoners’ Fund
The Prisoners’ Fund makes it possible to send prisoners reduced rate subscriptions. To donate, send a check or money order payable to the Militant and earmarked “Prisoners’ Fund” to 306 W. 37th St., 10th Floor, New York, NY 10018.  
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