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Vol. 73/No. 23      June 15, 2009

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A prisoner

U.S.-Mexican war
I thank the Militant for printing the useful article on Benito Juárez by Steve Warshell [see May 4 issue]. I think that in light of the upcoming conference on Juárez, Lincoln, and Martí it will be useful to amplify on points made in the article.

The first is on the U.S.-Mexican war of 1846-48. While it is true that the slave-owning capitalists in the southern U.S. and their representatives in Washington pushed for the war with Mexico, it is also the case that other sectors of the American ruling class supported it.

Many in the U.S. capitalist class were concerned that a European power could reestablish a presence in the Americas and close off westward expansion of the U.S. It’s for this reason that Friedrich Engels drew the conclusion that if Mexico were to lose in war, it would be better to lose to the U.S. than for it to be dominated by one or more European powers. Sectors of the hacendados (big landowners) and the clergy believed only a return of a European monarch could stabilize Mexico.

Raul Gonzalez
Redwood City, California

More from ‘Capital’
The paper should carry more Marxist analyses, especially from Capital.

Charles Wolfsfeld
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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