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Vol. 73/No. 38      October 5, 2009

Juan Almeida
In the article on Juan Almeida in last week’s issue of the Militant, you attribute the quote “No one here gives up!” to Almeida. However, in Episodes of the Cuban Revolutionary War, published by Pathfinder, see the chapter entitled “Alegría de Pío,” where Che Guevara attributes this quote to Camilo Cienfuegos. Che says this again in the chapter called “Camilo.” And this was not a shout to Che, but a more general shout to all the combatants within earshot, among them Che.

Warren Simons
New York, New York

Prisoners’ Fund
I look forward to my paper every Monday. I eagerly open to the Letters to the Editor and look for letters from prisoners. It’s always wonderful to read how much prisoners appreciate the best workers paper in the world. I’m enclosing a check for subscriptions to my fellow workers in prison. They look forward to the paper like I do. Thanks to you all.

Mary Lipman,
Santa Cruz, California
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