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Vol. 74/No. 33      August 30, 2010

Communist Manifesto
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx has been selected by the Indiana University South Bend campus for its 2010-2011 “One Book, One Campus” program. The title was selected by a campus vote from a list of five finalist titles.

In answer to the question, “Why This Book?” a page on the University’s Web site explains: “Criteria for the final five were—the book be one which would challenge and inspire, be in print and reasonably priced, and have a wide crossover appeal, something which could be discussed in a variety of classes. A campus vote was held, and The Communist Manifesto was the winner.”

Faculty are encouraged to work the title into classroom discussions, crossing over subject areas.

Jim Kendrick
Miami, Florida

Blood money
The reference of any workers’ cash remuneration by the bosses as “blood money” is correct. As long as we have capitalists in power, any contract settlement that allows workers any victory, cash or otherwise, is “blood money.” It is meant to stave off further struggle by the workers, to “buy them off” as it were. But what is the point of the “blood money” reference every time a worker gives a donation? Does it imply that anyone who doesn’t donate their “blood money” is not so class conscious?

I think it deserves some thought.

Allan Grady
By e-mail

The letters column is an open forum for all viewpoints on subjects of interest to working people. Please keep your letters brief. Where necessary they will be abridged. Please indicate if you prefer that your initials be used rather than your full name.

‘Militant’ Prisoners’ Fund
The Prisoners’ Fund makes it possible to send prisoners reduced rate subscriptions. To donate, send a check or money order payable to the Militant and earmarked “Prisoners’ Fund” to 306 W. 37th St., 10th Floor, New York, NY 10018.
Related articles:
What we mean by blood money  
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