Vol. 74/No. 36 September 27, 2010
Total monthly contributions now stand at $52,285 toward the goal of $55,000 by the end of year.
Increases in monthly pledges are a political response by supporters to stepped-up campaigning by the Socialist Workers Party to the effects of the economic crisis battering working people. Communists are using the election campaigns; Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and the Road to Workers Power; and the entire arsenal of Pathfinder books and the Militant/El Militante to explain the need to abolish the dictatorship of capital and fight to put political power into the hands of the working class. Funds collected are used to help finance the work of the SWP.
The August effort got a big boost by fund organizers in Atlanta. They took advantage of a special regional weekend of activity August 21-22 at the Pathfinder Press Distribution Center here to meet with individual contributors.
“Almost every contributor we met with decided to raise,” said Linda Jenness, a leader of the Supporters Monthly Appeal in Atlanta. Twenty contributors made raises totaling $341.
Walter Blades, a bakery worker and volunteer at the distribution center, explained that he raised his pledge because "we are contributing the money that helps make it possible to present communist political ideas around the world."
Volunteers for the weekend came from Miami; Greensboro, North Carolina; and Birmingham, Alabama. Two members of the Supporters Monthly Appeal steering committee also participated in the activities.
“The distribution center is responsible for shipping Pathfinder books to bookstores, libraries, and individuals all around the world,” said Vivian Sahner, one of leaders of the work there. “Saturday we organized an inventory of all our stock. On Sunday volunteers were able to help on our ‘pick and pack,’ preparing orders to be shipped.”
As part of the weekend's accomplishments, one person in Birmingham decided to begin a monthly pledge and two people joined the Print Project, volunteers from around the world who work to produce Pathfinder books.
"I've been thinking about this a lot," said George Williams, an aerospace worker and United Auto Workers member when asked why he decided to become a contributor and join the Print Project now. "Working people didn't create the crisis we are living through, but we are paying the price for it. And working people need to help make the change to end the crisis."
The seven new contributors in August brings the total to 469, moving the Appeal closer to its goal of 500 contributors by end of year.
Join the effort! Contact Militant distributors on page 8 to make your pledge to the Supporters Monthly Appeal.
Related articles:
Quotas for SWP fund top $97,000
Party-building fund
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