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Vol. 75/No. 12      March 28, 2011

March in Montreal
protests budget cuts
Militant/John Steele

MONTREAL—Tens of thousands of people from all corners of Quebec marched through downtown here March 12 to the offices of Quebec premier Jean Charest. The premier plans to present an austerity budget March 17 to the Quebec National Assembly that will deeply impact the living standards of working people.

More than 150 organizations, including Quebec’s three main union federations, and groups representing students, women, tenants, unemployed, and pensioners turned out to protest plans for a new health tax, tuition raises, additional fees for social services, and steps to privatize health care.

One student from McGill University carried a sign sent to him from his mother in Madison, Wisconsin, that read: “Stop the attack on Wisconsin families,” referring to the fight against the union-busting assault there.


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