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Vol. 75/No. 19        May 16, 2011


Militant Labor Forums

San Francisco
U.S. 'Targeted Assassinations' in Pakistan and Libya: Not in Interests of Working People.

Sat., May 14, 7:30 p.m.
5482 Mission St.
Tel.: (415) 584-2135.

Obama Says 'Ordinary Folks Aren't Paying Attention,' Communists Say Political Responsiveness in Working Class Grows. Workers React to the Cumulative Consequences of Three Years of Capitalist Crisis.

Speaker: Steve Clark, editor of Militant.
Sat., May 14. Dinner, 6 p.m.; program, 7 p.m.
719 NE 79th St.
Tel.: (305) 757-8869.

The Working Class and the Transformation of Learning.

Speaker: Osborne Hart, Socialist Workers Party.
Fri., May 13, 7:30 p.m.
3701 Pulaski Ave.
Tel.: (215) 225-1270.

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