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Vol. 77/No. 4      February 4, 2013

‘I like fighting perspective put
forward by ‘Militant’’
“When the school bus workers went on strike last week,” Deborah Liatos reported, “Militant supporters in New York visited the picket lines the first morning.” Their goal was to bring solidarity, learn from workers about their fight and sell the paper. (See article on front page.)

“We followed up with regular visits to the picket lines and with sales of the issue with coverage on the strike going door to door in working-class neighborhoods,” said Liatos.

During the week, supporters sold five subscriptions, 37 single copies and two books offered at reduced prices with a subscription to school bus strikers, and four subscriptions and 20 single copies door to door, Liatos said. (See ad below.)

Since the end of the recent international subscription campaign, supporters in New York have gone door to door every Sunday afternoon. Peter Thierjung was one of the volunteers last Sunday.

“One of the Bronx buildings we sold in happened to be a shelter for homeless families,” he wrote. “A young African-American woman initially said she was opposed to the bus workers strike, saying it causes hardships for families. She explained she has three young boys and that she went into debt with student loans and then lost her job in a bank.

“When we explained the issues involved in the strike, she immediately changed her mind and got interested in the Militant,” he continued. “She said she opposed the bus workers losing their job security. ‘I know what that’s about!’ She did not have the money then for a subscription, but eagerly set an appointment for another day to get one.”

In the same building, Thierjung’s team met 20-year-old child care worker Damernol Barbour. She told them the bus workers “should get what they are asking for. They deserve it, given the responsibilities they have for the children.”

“In the last week, supporters of the Militant in Miami sold four subscriptions door to door,” Naomi Craine wrote.

A high school football coach got one of them, along with a copy of Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and the Road to Workers Power by Jack Barnes, national secretary of the Socialist Workers Party.

“What he liked was that the Militant puts forward a fighting perspective,” Dean Hazlewood said.

In Seattle Militant supporters have been contacting those who subscribed during the fall to see if they want to renew, John Naubert wrote. This is how they reached Gabrielle Sedrowsky, 24, who now lives in Michigan.

“The Militant is wonderful,” she said. “It’s the only paper I like to read. I was excited about the quality of the writing and to have a newspaper in hand and not have to read it online.”

When she first signed up, she was working at Planned Parenthood and also got the pamphlet Abortion Is a Woman’s Right, published by Pathfinder Press.

“At Planned Parenthood, the pamphlet was used to prep our staff members,” she said.

We invite all readers to join the ongoing international effort to expand the circulation of the socialist newsweekly. You can order a bundle and subscription blanks at or call us at (212) 244-4899.  
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