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Vol. 77/No. 25      July 1, 2013

Come to July active workers
conference in Ohio

Over the past four weeks, the Militant has quoted Kevin Cole, a postal worker in California; Gordon Rainer, a retired pipefitter in Alabama; and Mario Ottoniel and Virgen López, construction and office workers in New York; explaining why they decided to attend an active workers conference sponsored by the Socialist Workers Party that will be held July 19-20 in Oberlin, Ohio.

These workers will join with hundreds of members of the SWP and Communist Leagues in other countries, supporters of the communist movement from around the world and other workers who have been reading and helping to circulate the Militant, building solidarity with coal miners battling union-busting efforts by Patriot Coal, and other workers standing up to boss attacks, joining actions to free the Cuban Five and participating in other social struggles.

Presentations by party leaders and classes will focus on the world capitalist crisis unfolding today, the response of workers here and around the world, and the lessons of previous working-class struggles for political power, including the victorious 1917 Russian Revolution and the Cuban Revolution in 1959. They will discuss how millions of working people organized to maintain that power through the rapid and decisive transformation of social relations inherited from capitalism — transforming themselves in the process.

The conference will also discuss increasing the readership of the Militant, as well as the leverage of the books distributed by Pathfinder Press in nearly a dozen languages have in expanding the reach of revolutionary working-class politics.

If you are interested in the conference, call Militant distributors in your area (see page 8), or contact us at (212) 244-4899 or

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