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Vol. 77/No. 26      July 8, 2013

Oppose US sanctions against Iran!

Working people the world over should support the hundreds of thousands in Iran who have taken to the streets with democratic demands that help carve out space for workers to organize and advance their interests.

In solidarity with the toilers there, we should also demand Washington and its allies lift sanctions against Iran, as well as North Korea, aimed at imposing hardships on millions and pressuring the governments in those countries to abandon their nuclear programs.

Working people in the U.S. and other imperialist countries should champion the right of semicolonial nations to expand electrification, including the use of nuclear power, which is essential for the development of industry, agriculture, medicine and culture.

On the issue of nuclear weapons U.S. imperialism stands as the greatest hypocrite. Washington sits on the biggest arsenal of nuclear weapons in the world and is the only power on earth to have used them.

Nuclear weapons have only one function: to kill millions of innocent people. Possession and use of them is antithetical to the interests of toiling humanity. The Cuban Revolution — during the 1956-58 revolutionary war and since — has stood as an example of working-class morality, rejecting any military tactics that target the innocent. And for more than five decades, revolutionary Cuba has successfully defended itself from imperialist assaults and threats by relying on the mobilization, political consciousness and military preparedness of millions of workers and farmers.

Workers should also demand an end to Washington’s decades-long trade embargo against Cuba.

“Our nuclear weapons is the invincible power of moral weapons,” Fidel Castro said in 2005. “Weapons to combat death, to combat AIDS, to combat diseases, to fight against cancer, that’s what we dedicate our resources to.” These are the type of priorities workers have and can carry out after wresting political power from the capitalist exploiters.
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