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Vol. 77/No. 30      August 19, 2013

Don’t miss an issue! —
Renew your subscription
(front page)
In the coming weeks, hundreds of the nearly 2,800 subscriptions sold during the Militant spring campaign will expire.

If you are among them, the Militant urges you to renew and continue reading the working-class press. You can contact distributors in your area listed on page 10. Or mail back the renewal form you received with the last three issues of your subscription.

If you took part in the international subscription drive, now is a good time to follow up with those you signed up selling door to door, taking part in labor actions, joining social protests, or while discussing politics with coworkers, neighbors, family, friends, fellow inmates, acquaintances in barbershops, train cars, laundromats — wherever.

Most who subscribed during the drive signed up for the introductory offer of $5 for 12 weeks. Some also took advantage of the special deals on nine book titles available to subscribers. These book specials are still available for regular readers. Check out the ad on this page and contact a distributor near you.

The purpose of the introductory 12-week offer is to allow new readers the opportunity to experience the paper’s breadth of coverage and the value of a socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people.

“I have learned so much reading the Militant,” said John Murtagh, a printer from Gorton, Manchester, England, when he renewed his subscription July 16, explaining that he takes the paper into work and pins it on the notice board for others to read.

“Your paper is great!” wrote a prisoner from Florida on his renewal form. “I pass it around to others when I finish reading it.”

“We need more leadership to make workers aware of what the system is doing to them and how to fight back,” wrote Vivian Gilbert-Strell from San Diego when she mailed back her two-year renewal.

The Militant is a unique source of information and politics for working people and others attracted to the struggles of workers and their allies. It discusses the roots of the world economic crisis, reports on working-class resistance around the world. And it helps chart a class-struggle course to strengthen the confidence and fighting capacities of the working class today along the road toward building a revolutionary movement of millions to take political power out of the hands of the capitalist exploiters and begin building a new society based on human solidarity and cooperation.

In the coming weeks, Militant readers will find of special interest its coverage:

— On-the-scene reports of struggles by workers and farmers in Egypt and the challenges they face;

— The VII Continental Conference in Solidarity with Cuba that was held July 24-27 in Caracas, Venezuela, and the international fight to free the Cuban Five;

— The campaign to respond to a political break-in at the home of Jacob Perasso, former Socialist Workers Party city council candidate in Omaha, Neb., by defenders of democratic and workers rights;

— The 60th anniversary of Korean workers and peasants victory over U.S. imperialism’s murderous 1950-53 attempt to conquer the entire peninsula, crush struggles of workers and farmers there, demoralize the toilers and subjugate the Korean people.

Supporters of the Militant should find opportunities to talk in person with those they met during the subscription drive. Find out what our readers think of the paper — what they like and don’t agree with. Learn more about struggles they know about and may be involved in. Remind them about the books on special.

Don’t miss an issue of the Militant! Renew now! And join the effort to expand its readership.  
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