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Vol. 77/No. 31      August 26, 2013

25, 50 and 75 years ago

August 26, 1988

DES MOINES, Iowa — The Mark Curtis Defense Committee has announced an initial speakers’ list for the second international defense rally for the framed-up political activist. The rally will be held at the Des Moines Convention Center on September 4.

In addition to Curtis, speakers will include Neo Mnumzana, chief representative to the United Nations of the African National Congress of South Africa; Piri Thomas, distinguished Puerto Rican author and poet; Roger Allison, director of the Missouri Rural Crisis Center; and Héctor Marroquín, a Mexican-born socialist who has been fighting for 11 years to win permanent residency in the United States.

Curtis was framed up on rape and burglary charges and brutally beaten by the Des Moines cops last March 4, hours after he left a meeting protesting an immigration raid at the Swift packinghouse. Curtis works at Swift.

September 2, 1963

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 29 — The massiveness — a quarter of a million people is the best estimate — was the outstanding feature of yesterday’s March for Jobs and Freedom. This was also the most important thing about the march. For both friend and foe were carefully watching to see in what numbers Negroes would come out. To the politicians, the top union brass, the liberals, the fence-sitters and to the white supremacists — indeed to all social and political realists, the march’s size would be a gauge of whether the Freedom Now fight was still in its upsurge or beginning to subside.

The Negro people were watching it very closely themselves and were exhilarated by the record-breaking turnout. It was also a source of great encouragement to those whites who are dependable allies of the Negroes, and who constituted about ten per cent of the marchers.

August 27, 1938

Reactionaries everywhere have rallied around the House Committee to Investigate Un-American Activities of which Congressman Martin Dies of Texas is the chairman. They look hopefully to the Committee’s becoming a real battering ram to be used against everything and everybody that might in the least interfere with the “inalienable right” of the employers to exploit the workers to their hearts’ content.

One of the main purposes of the Dies Committee is to counteract the evidence brought out by the LaFollette Civil Liberties Committee.

Witnesses before that committee showed how the employers spent huge sums to buy armaments with which to arm the scum of the earth for murderous attacks on active unionists; how vigilante organizations were created and “spontaneous” mobbings organized — all in order to destroy every form of unionism.  
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