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Vol. 79/No. 1      January 19, 2015

25, 50, and 75 Years Ago

January 19, 1990

As U.S. military forces enter the third week of their occupation of Panama, protest actions against U.S. intervention continue.

In New York hundreds participated in protests January 5-7. Some 400 people attended a January 5 meeting at Local 1199 of the hospital workers union, sponsored by WBAI radio station.

Many of the meeting’s participants joined a January 6 march of more than 700, called by the Committee Against the U.S. Invasion of Panama.

Following the march a forum was held at the Manhattan Pathfinder Bookstore. Some 100 people attended. On January 7 a forum was also held at the Brooklyn Pathfinder Bookstore.

January 18, 1965

NEW YORK — Rank-and-file members of the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) dumbfounded all the “experts” on Jan. 8 when they voted to reject a widely publicized “model” contract and resumed the East and Gulf coast strike.

Acceptance of the contract would have cut the work gang from 20 to 17 men in stages over the next three years and allowed stevedoring companies to introduce major technological changes in handling cargo, while leaving unanswered the crucial question of how many longshoremen — and exactly which longshoremen — would lose their jobs and established working conditions in the process.

January 20, 1940

Without relaxing their main task of ferreting out and framing up militant unionists and unemployed workers, the “G-men” have turned up in New York City a conspiratorial band of Fascists of the “Christian Front,” which had actually begun to collect an arsenal and to train men for the avowed purpose of an armed campaign against radical workers, Jews, and the government.

If the G-men have gone after this Fascist gang it is because the American capitalists do not feel as yet any need for help of this kind. They have sufficient confidence in the ability of their Army and Navy, police and G-men, their courts and prisons, to keep working class protest in check.  
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