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Vol. 79/No. 15      April 27, 2015

NY Socialist Workers candidate
joins SC protests

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — “Thank you for coming to join with us,” Michelle Felder, a home health worker, above right, and Laura Winfield, left, told Maggie Trowe, second from right, Socialist Workers candidate for U.S. Congress in New York. Felder and Winfield were two of the organizers of a march to City Hall here April 11 protesting the police killing of Walter Scott.

“I came to thank you and others in Charleston for standing up so strong against the killing of Walter Scott,” Trowe responded. “This is a key question for all workers, and I plan to use my campaign to win support for your fight from workers in New York. Those who protest against police brutality across the country are starting to have an impact, as the arrest of the cop who killed Scott shows.”

Trowe participated in a number of protests, including a service at the Charity Missionary Baptist Church, where she talked with Levon Scott, 49, a church trustee and city sanitation worker. “City workers need a union,” Scott said. “The new head of sanitation is firing people right and left.”

“Workers resistance to the bosses’ attacks is growing, and we’re gaining confidence,” Trowe said. “Labor and social resistance — the protests here against police brutality, the Fight for $15 across the country next week — they’re all the same fight.”

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