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Vol. 79/No. 16      May 4, 2015

May Day: Protest against
deportations, cop brutality

May 1, an international workers holiday since the rise of the union movement in the U.S., got a new lease on life in 2006 when 2 million workers — immigrants and their supporters — carried out the first national political strike in U.S. history opposing criminalization and demanding an end to deportations of workers born in other countries. This year some important May Day actions across the U.S. will take up the cause of immigrant workers. They will also be marked by the rising Fight for $15 and protests against police brutality and killings. Some actions are listed below.

Boston. “Our struggle, our voice.” 4 p.m. feeder marches from Chelsea, East Boston, Revere and Everett will march to Glendale Park in Everett for 5:30 p.m. rally. Sponsor: May 1st Coalition. For information call (617) 889-6080.

Hightstown, New Jersey. Sat., May 2, rally at 2 p.m. at Memorial Park. March at 4 p.m. Sponsor: Unidad Latina en Acción NJ. For information call (203) 278-2729.

Milwaukee. Solidarity March, 11 a.m. 1027 S. Fifth St. Sponsor: Voces de la Frontera, Youth Empowered in the Struggle.

Oakland, California. “Stop Police Terror!” 9 a.m. rally at Port of Oakland, APL gate near berth 62. Noon rally at Frank Ogawa (Oscar Grant) Plaza, downtown Oakland. (International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 10 plans a stop-work meeting to attend.)

Seattle. Annual May Day March for Immigrant and Workers Rights. Rally at 2 p.m. at Judkins Park. March at 3 p.m. to Federal Courthouse, 700 Stewart St. Sponsor: El Comité, May 1st Action Coalition.
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‘Treat us with dignity,’ say immigrant hunger strikers
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