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Vol. 79/No. 23      June 22, 2015

Texas march condemns cop
attack on teen pool party

Above, Reuters/Mike Stone
Hundreds of people demonstrated June 8 in McKinney, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, protesting a police assault on unarmed teenagers, the vast majority African-Americans, at a June 5 pool party the cops say got too rowdy. A video taken by one of the teens shows police officer Eric Casebolt cursing the youth, handcuffing some and ordering others to disperse. He then grabs the head of 15-year-old Dajerria Becton (inset), shoving her face into the ground and putting his knee on her back. He also pulled his gun on a few teenagers trying to help her. After the video surfaced, Casebolt was placed on administrative leave. He resigned June 9.
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