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Vol. 79/No. 24      July 13, 2015

25, 50, and 75 Years Ago

July 13, 1990

Increasingly, striking Machinists at Eastern Airlines have adopted the slogan “Keep the pressure on!” First chanted at anti-apartheid rallies on the U.S. swing of Nelson Mandela’s international tour, this slogan is an appropriate battle cry for the Eastern strike.

By keeping the pressure on, the 16-month strike by the members of the International Association of Machinists (IAM) has already dealt a blow to the employer’s antilabor offensive.

Now is the time for those who have pledged their support, and others who now see the fight as their own, to redouble their efforts and join with the strikers to continue the fight until a union contract at Eastern is won.

July 12, 1965

Jesse Gray, Harlem rent-strike leader, has announced that he is entering the Democratic Party primaries, seeking that party’s nomination for mayor of New York City. Gray sometimes speaks of himself as a revolutionary and declares that the “problem won’t be solved until we change the system.”

But telling people to register Democrat and to vote Democrat as Gray is doing is playing right into the hands of the Democratic Party bosses.

If there is one thing the ruling class fears much more than it fears revolutionary phrases, it is that working people, Black and white, will break with the big-business political parties, and form a party or parties of their own.

July 13, 1940

Republican France is now Fascist France.

The “stout defenders of democracy” are the latest recruits to fascism.

A hastily-scrawled constitution was put through an assembly of docile Deputies and Senators at Vichy on July 9.

The men who have taken the lead in turning France into a fascist country are the same who only a few weeks ago were among those hailed the world over as the Horatios at the bridge of western civilization.

The lesson for workers everywhere — and above all in the United States — is once more not trust boss politicians and boss governments to assure us freedom.  
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