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Vol. 79/No. 24      July 13, 2015

Hundreds attend Active
Workers Conference

Participants in the June 18-20 Active Workers Conference in Oberlin, Ohio, view displays highlighting the major political themes of the gathering. Several hundred members, supporters and friends of the communist movement in the U.S. and half a dozen other countries attended the conference, which was sponsored by the Socialist Workers Party.

“If what we are saying is true, that the monetary, military and political alliances coming out of World War II are coming apart, cataclysmic events are ahead of us,” SWP National Secretary Jack Barnes said. The three days of intensive political work armed participants to step up involvement in the rising resistance by working people.

The unfolding class struggle in the Middle East; Ukrainian workers’ fight against attacks by the capitalists and their government there and to defend Ukrainian sovereignty; lessons for today from the battles led by revolutionaries in the Teamsters union in the Upper Midwest in the 1930s; and new openings from the victory scored by the Cuban Revolution winning freedom for all the Cuban Five and forcing Washington to open discussions on re-establishing relations for the first time in more than 50 years were at the center of four classes and the reports by Barnes and party leader Mary-Alice Waters.

Coming issues will feature coverage from the conference.

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