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Vol. 80/No. 4      February 1, 2016


Hawa Bah: Join fight to indict cops who killed my son

Militant/Mike Shur
NEW YORK — As part of her ongoing fight against the cops who killed her son, Hawa Bah, above, mother of Mohamed Bah; her lawyer Randolph McLaughlin, right; and Socialist Workers Party leader Maggie Trowe spoke at a Militant Labor Forum here Jan. 15 attended by some 50 people.

“Tonight I’m speaking for a loved one I lost who can’t speak for himself,” she said. Mohamed Bah was a 28-year-old student and taxi driver.

Upon arriving from Guinea, West Africa, to visit her son in September 2012 Bah found him suffering from depression. She called 911 to ask for an ambulance to take him to the hospital. Instead, five heavily armed cops arrived. They broke into his locked room, shooting him eight times, once in the head.

Since then, Hawa Bah has been active together with other family members of sons who were killed by the NYPD, demanding cops who committed these crimes be indicted and brought to trial.

”At first the cops said Mohamed had a knife and they had to shoot when he tried to stab one of them,” Bah said, “Now they admit that was a lie.”

“Three boxes of evidence have been ‘lost’ in the case, including the supposed knife, clothing and a big chunk of the wall in the apartment,” said McLaughlin. The cover-up has begun to unravel in response to a civil lawsuit filed by Hawa Bah and her family.

“The Socialist Workers Party stands with Hawa Bah in her fight to tell the truth and bring to trial the cops who killed Mohamed,” said Trowe.


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