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Vol. 80/No. 12      March 28, 2016




For more wildlife refuges
There is no question [Dwight and Steven] Hammond — and probably other ranchers in the area — are being treated unjustly by the federal government, and that Mr. Finicum has apparently been murdered by the Oregon State Police and the FBI. However, if the federal government has been buying up land in order to establish wildlife refuges, I am all for it. An armed occupation of a wildlife refuge terrifies and endangers the innocent, and provides opportunities for irreparable vandalism.

National and state parks, forests, and wildlife refuges are valuable in and of themselves.
Monica Adams
Ruckersville, Virginia

End solitary confinement!
The release of political prisoner Albert Woodfox was long overdue, and his support for efforts to bring an end to the practice of long confinement that lasts for decades in solitary is no surprise. There are others who are still being held in solitary confinement [including] Lee Lane in the state of Louisiana.
Nyati Bolt
San Francisco, California  
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