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Vol. 80/No. 23      June 13, 2016


‘Intercontinental Press’ now available online

The weekly news magazine Intercontinental Press will be available online starting June 5. This sister publication to the Militant and the Marxist magazine New International, published from 1963 to 1986, provides first-hand reports, news and analysis, and documents from discussions and debates on revolutionary strategy and the forging of an international revolutionary leadership of the working class. Much of this material is not available anywhere else.

The issues covered and debated in Intercontinental Press go to the heart of questions facing workers and young people today: What road forward in face of the deepening social and economic crisis of capitalism? How do we organize a revolutionary leadership? What type of organization is needed? What should be the goals of the struggle?

Intercontinental Press publicized and built the massive protests against the U.S. war in Vietnam. It championed the struggles of miners in the United States and the United Kingdom, shipyard workers in Poland and gold miners in South Africa. Correspondents reported on workers’ struggles and national liberation movements from every continent.

Staff writers reported firsthand on the massive student and worker uprising in France in 1968, the revolutions in Nicaragua and Grenada, and the popular insurrection that toppled the Shah of Iran in 1979, as well as the revolutionary government that came to power in Burkina Faso in 1983.

Intercontinental Press campaigned to free class struggle fighters imprisoned from the United States to the Soviet Union, Ireland to Peru, Czechoslovakia to South Africa.

The magazine began as the weekly international labor press service World Outlook and was published in Paris as a joint effort by a staff of revolutionary leaders and journalists from several countries. It was launched in response to big world events — the victory of the Cuban Revolution in 1959 and the Algerian Revolution in 1962 — and the beginning of the international youth radicalization in the 1960s.

The editorial office later moved to New York and in 1968 the name changed to Intercontinental Press. Socialist Workers Party leader Joseph Hansen was the editor of the magazine from 1963 until his death in 1979.

As of June 5, a complete index for all 24 years of Intercontinental Press will be up and running, with links to all the issues of the first 12 years, 1963–74. A team of volunteers is scanning the remaining years, which will be added in the coming months. To access it, follow the link on the home page at or

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