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Vol. 80/No. 29      August 8, 2016



Prison censorship

I always look forward to receiving the Militant, which I read from the cover to the Spanish section. I especially compliment the historical pieces. Exceptional quality.

Your July 25 issue speaks of the [Florida prison] censorship as “arbitrary and capricious.” There was no stoppage at my institution.

A prisoner

Too poor for drivers licenses

A class action suit has been filed against the state of Virginia for suspending the driver’s licenses of people too poor to pay their court costs and fines.

I was shocked to learn that currently one in six drivers in the state, some 900,000 people, have their licenses suspended due to inability to pay these court-imposed fines! In this largely rural state, that means that most of these workers are forced to drive illegally, eventually get caught and end up with even more fines and jail time.

Mike Galati
Fredericksburg, Virginia  
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