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Vol. 80/No. 30      August 15, 2016




Coal and miners’ jobs
The Militant’s reports on the socialist campaign seem to say that a workers government will put coal miners back to work mining coal. I think this is incorrect.

Given the realities of climate change and the role of burning fossil fuel, a workers government would move with all possible haste to shut down coal production and fracking. It would put workers back to work, yes, rebuilding the infrastructure and energy systems of the world.

Jerry Gardner
College Park, Georgia

Paper keeps me updated
Please continue sending me these papers. They really help keep me updated on “valid issues.”

A prisoner

Change will come
The current election is important, but I just don’t see any difference between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. I know eventually a change will come in this country, but in social movements.

Graham Rowley
Erie, Pennsylvania

Related articles:
On coal, jobs: start with working class
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