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Vol. 80/No. 42      November 7, 2016


Party-building fund: ‘Going door to door, workers ask to contribute’

The political effort to raise $100,000 for the Socialist Workers Party-Building Fund made progress last week. The sum collected more than doubled.

“We already have pledges exceeding our goal,” reported Rachele Fruit from Atlanta, the area that took the lead last week. “From Texas to Alabama to North Carolina, workers and other supporters of the SWP’s perspective have responded quickly and with enthusiasm.”

Along with weekly voluntary sustainers from members, the party-building fund is a cornerstone in meeting the party’s budget. Many who value the long-term stability and integrity of a communist party financed by working people regularly contribute to the annual effort. The fund is also an excellent opportunity to explain why workers need the SWP in face of an ever-deepening capitalist crisis and the necessary fightback by working people.

“As we go door to door, a number of workers have asked us if they could give contributions — some kick in a few bucks,” Fruit said. “We have also received $12 and $15 donations. As we learn to ask people, we’ll get even more.”

Virginia O’Riley in Charlotte, North Carolina, where Keith Scott was shot and killed by the cops, sent a note with her contribution. “Under capitalism a ruling elite decides daily and ruthlessly whose lives matter and whose do not,” she wrote, expressing support for the SWP presidential ticket of Alyson Kennedy and Osborne Hart.

To join the effort and make a contribution, contact the SWP in your area, listed on page 4.

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