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Vol. 80/No. 43      November 14, 2016


‘End Washington’s economic war against Cuba!’

The Union of Young Communists of Cuba (UJC) and the World Federation of Democratic Youth have called for an “International Campaign in Opposition to the Blockade Against Cuba.” The Young Socialists in the United States issued the following statement of support Oct. 31.

We join with the UJC of Cuba and the World Federation of Democratic Youth in calling for an international campaign against the economic war waged by Washington against Cuba for the last 55 years. With the stated aim of creating economic hardships that would cause the Cuban people to turn against their own government, we can see that it did indeed fail to achieve its objective, as U.S. President Barack Obama stated in December of 2014.

However, we must be alert, as Gerardo Hernández said earlier this year, “The goal has always been to destroy the revolution. Now they are wagering they can do it with a bear hug.” U.S. imperialism aims to return to the days when U.S. capitalists and others could hire and fire Cubans directly and reap superprofits from the exploitation of Cuban workers.

Despite the decision by the Obama administration to abstain from the U.N. vote Oct. 26, it is necessary to “judge by the facts,” as Bruno Rodríguez stated to the U.N. General Assembly. Washington continues to use every tool at its disposal to promote the growth of private property and market relations while handicapping the revolutionary government in its efforts to respond to the needs and interests of Cuban workers and farmers.

Regardless of which party of imperialism, the Democrats or Republicans, wins the November election, the objective of the U.S. rulers will remain unchanged. We will continue to join others in the United States in campaigning to end the economic war on Cuba and demand, “U.S. out
of Guantánamo!”

Related articles:
US shifts UN vote on Cuba, still targets revolution
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