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Vol. 80/No. 44      November 21, 2016


Rallies in Australia oppose exclusion of refugees

Militant/Ron Poulsen

SYDNEY — Thousands demonstrated across Australia Nov. 5, including over 4,000 in Sydney (above), protesting government moves to repel asylum-seekers. Demanding “Close Australia’s concentration camps” and “No lifetime ban! No offshore processing! Bring them here!” protesters challenged Canberra’s plans to pass legislation blocking any chance of resettlement of almost 2,000 asylum-seekers it currently holds “offshore” on Manus Island, Papua New Guinea, and on the Pacific island of Nauru.

In April, the Papua New Guinea Supreme Court ordered the government there to “take all steps necessary to cease and prevent the continued unconstitutional and illegal detention of the asylum-seekers.”

In response, the Australian government has moved to pass legislation to prohibit the refugees from ever being allowed into the country. Immigration Minister Peter Dutton said the changes are to end “false hopes” given to asylum-seekers by supporters of the rights of refugees and the media.

The rally was called by Doctors for Refugees. Canberra has tried to legally gag doctors, teachers and other staff from publicizing the abysmal conditions and abuses inside the camps.

A featured speaker was Dr. Munjed Al Muderis, a leading orthopedic surgeon and refugee from Iraq who came by boat to Australia in 1999. He joined other speakers in blaming both the Liberal and Labor parties for stirring up xenophobia over refugee boat arrivals. He called for “a dialogue” with working people concerned about the admission of the asylum-seekers, saying they are often wrongly dismissed “as rednecks or racists.”


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