Socialist workers and youth from the United States got a
great response to literature tables at antinuclear
conferences in Japan commemorating the 50th anniversary of
the bombing of Hiroshima. "There are now eight new Militant
subscribers in Japan, as well as one Perspectiva Mundial
subscriber," writes Mark Friedman from Los Angeles. Thirty-
five people bought single copies of the Militant. The
socialist workers also sold $1,000 worth of Pathfinder books
and pamphlets and 40 Pathfinder catalogues. Scores of
conference participants picked up information on the defense
campaign for framed-up unionist Mark Curtis, and a couple
bought copies of the pamphlet Why is Mark Curtis Still in
Supporters of the socialist press have other important opportunities to sell the Militant, Perspectiva Mundial, and Pathfinder literature to workers, farmers, and others engaged in political struggle in the next few weeks.
Militant supporters from Britain and the United States will be traveling to Ireland twice in August. The first sales and reporting team, August 10-13, will be in Belfast during the annual Fleadh (festival). They will participate in an August 13 march and rally at Belfast City Hall calling for all-party talks on the future of Ireland. A second team to Dublin August 26-27 will join in a demonstration against the British occupation of Northern Ireland that will mark the first anniversary of the Irish Republican Army cease- fire.
Militant supporters are also planning to participate in the 28th Annual Meeting of the Federation of Southern Cooperatives August 18-19 in Alabama.