The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.59/No.39           October 23, 1995 
`Of Course I Support Fight Of Mark Curtis' Says Framed-Up Miner  

VANCOUVER, British Columbia - Framed up Canadian gold miner Roger Warren, who was railroaded to prison following a bitter struggle against Royal Oak Mines in Northwest Territories, recently sent this reporter a letter about Mark Curtis, enclosing an endorsement card for the Mark Curtis Defense Committee.

Warren writes, "Of course I support the fight to free Mark Curtis as his situation was obviously the result of a frame-up. I must say it was a very sloppy one, but with the forces of the state arrayed against you what chance is there for the average citizen. In most jurisdictions his case would have never gone to court.

"The one thing I find astounding is that despite seemingly overwhelming evidence in Mark's favour, most of which was kept from the jury, he hasn't been granted a new trial.... Public pressure must be relentlessly applied to affect his release. This sort of state arbitrariness bodes ill in a nation that purports to be the freest in the world."

Ned Dmytryshyn is a member of the International Association of Machinists Lodge 692.

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