BROOKLYN, New York - Right now many readers of this paper are building the October 14 and 21 protests in Chicago, San Francisco, and New York - and other countries around the world - against the U.S. government's economic war on Cuba. In doing so, you have no doubt found how effective the Militant is as a tool to publicize these actions and explain the truth about the Cuban revolution.
The purpose of the Militant Fund campaign is to make sure the Militant is able to keep doing just that, as it has since working people took political power in Cuba in 1959.
That makes it all the more important to accelerate the fund-raising effort. The scoreboard on this page shows that, after an initial burst, the campaign slipped a bit in the second week. We have reached 17 percent of the overall goal - but should be at 20 percent.
In many of the areas listed, dozens of supporters of the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial have already made pledges to the fund. Now is the time to step up the collection of these pledges. The money, in fact, is needed now to meet the expenses of the socialist publications.
The earlier Militant Fund meetings are organized in your areas, the more effective they will be in raising contributions. Militant supporters in Brooklyn are gearing up for an October 13 fund-raising event featuring Luis Madrid, a member of the National Committee of the Socialist Workers Party, who will speak on Cuba and world politics. Boosted by the 60 new subscribers we have won to the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial in the last two weeks, supporters here have invited them to the Militant Fund meeting and sent them a fund appeal.
In preparing an attractive display of historic Militant articles for this public meeting, we were graphically reminded of how consistent and irreplaceable the Militant has been in its defense of the Cuban revolution over the past 36 years.
For instance, a Feb. 1, 1960, front-page editorial titled "Return Guantanamo to Cuban People!" declared, "Guantanamo can serve no purpose but to facilitate the landing of marines and armed intervention. Isn't it high time that the government of our country pulled its military forces out of Cuba? Let's give Guantanamo back to its rightful owners."
When Cuban leader Fidel Castro addressed the United Nations later that year, the Militant reported, "The bold and honest voice of a people's revolution rang out in the United Nations General Assembly Sept. 26 when Premiere Fidel Castro indicted U.S. policy toward Cuba, and set forth his government's line on national and world affairs."
When Washington brought the world to the brink of nuclear war in October 1962 during the so-called Cuban Missile Crisis, the Militant published a statement by the Political Committee of the Socialist Workers Party urging Militant readers to campaign around the following slogans: "Support public demonstrations against the Cuban blockade!" "Halt Kennedy's insane drive toward war!" and "Hands off Cuba!"
The Militant also supported and publicized the activities of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, a broad- based nationwide organization that involved young people and others in actions in defense of the Cuban revolution in the early 1960s.
In a feature titled "Fidel, Nicaragua leader stress solidarity," the Aug. 8, 1980, Militant reported on the annual July 26 revolutionary celebration in Cuba where Sandinista commander Jaime Wheelock was a guest speaker along with Castro. The Militant has published many speeches by the Cuban president over the years.
The Militant has regularly sent reporters to Cuba in recent years. Most recently, correspondents were on hand at the historic Cuba Lives international youth festival in August.
This unparalleled coverage of developments in revolutionary Cuba is what makes the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial unique. What better reason to dig deep and make a generous contribution to the $125,000 Militant Fund and to approach new as well as longtime readers to pitch in too?