The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.59/No.39           October 23, 1995 
Mobilize For October Actions!  
As we go to press, activists in Cuba coalitions in the Midwest and the West Coast of the United States, along with students, workers, and others, are making final preparations for demonstrations on October 14 in Chicago and San Francisco to oppose Washington's economic war against Cuba. A similar effort is in high gear throughout the East Coast for a march in New York City October 21.

We call on our readers to make every effort possible to swell the ranks of the protesters in all these actions.

The October 14-21 mobilization initiated by the National Network on Cuba in the United States is part of worldwide efforts to counter Wall Street's decades-old campaign to bring the Cuban people to their knees.

Thousands are learning the truth about Cuba and are being drawn into defense of its socialist revolution through regional solidarity conferences in India and South Africa.

A similar process is unfolding during nationwide speaking tours of Cubans, such as the visits by Federation of University Students leader Kenia Serrano in Britain and editor of La Gaceta de Cuba Norberto Codina in the United States. Demonstrations demanding an end to Washington's economic blockade are taking place in Italy, Sweden, and the United Kingdom as well.

The "unparalleled selfless internationalism" of hundreds of thousands of Cubans - as Nelson Mandela put it - and the confidence the working class in Cuba has in itself and in its communist leadership provide the best example today to all those around the globe fighting racism, sexism, human exploitation, and all other byproducts of capitalism.

This is why Washington is bent on weakening and eventually overthrowing the Cuban revolution.

The recent announcement by the Clinton administration that it is slightly relaxing a few provisions of the U.S. travel ban to Cuba, while tightening the enforcement of its economic embargo, is but another indication that Washington is unwavering in its goals. The White House order simply reflects one approach of the two-track course by the U.S. rulers to undermine Cuba's socialist revolution. The other track is laid by the inhuman and immoral proposals in the Helms-Burton bill to squeeze the Cuban people even more.

For the same reasons Wall Street hates Castro, those who despise the imperialist efforts to deny the Cuban people the right to take their destiny in their own hands should work hard to broaden opposition to U.S. policy.

The best way towards this goal right now is to join in building the demonstrations called by the National Network and similar activities around the world. A sizable turnout at these actions will also maximize recruitment of youth and others for upcoming activities - from future brigades to Cuba to speaking tours of Cuban youth.

All out to demand:

End the U.S. economic blockade of Cuba!

Lift the travel ban!

Normalize relations between the two countries!

Respect Cuba's right to self-determination!

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