The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.60/No.10           March 11, 1996 
Principles of the Young Socialists  

Political principles


The YS opposes the imperialist drive toward war against Yugoslavia and will use any opportunity to explain the truth about Yugoslavia and the crisis that imperialism faces today.

The YS understands that Patrick Buchanan's movement represents the true face of American fascism. We will join with other fighters in protests and counter-demonstrations to oppose Buchananism.

In defending Cuba, the YS will work with others to:

The YS rejects any support to the parties of big business and will campaign for the Socialist Workers Party candidates in 1996.

We join with all resistance to the horrors of capitalism, including joining picket lines of striking workers, abortion rights actions and clinic defense, protests against police brutality and the death penalty, mobilizations to defend affirmative action and equal rights for immigrants, protests against the destruction of the environment, protests against education cuts and others. We go to this resistance and these protests armed with our political weapons, the Militant, Perspectiva Mundial, New International, and Pathfinder books and pamphlets.

YS members strive to study the lessons of past working- class struggles and trace our political continuity to the founding document of scientific socialism - the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels.

Election of delegates

A convention is a delegated meeting with powers to set policy for the organization, elect a National Committee, and decide tasks. A delegated convention allows for more democratic discussion, airing of different views, and authoritative decision-making than is possible with a national membership meeting.

Delegates to the YS convention will be elected on the basis of the political principles, rules of membership and discipline,security policy, YS-SWP relations, and campaigns.

Delegates will have voice and decisive vote at the convention. Members of the outgoing National Committee, if not elected as delegates, will be delegates with voice and consultative vote.

Members voting and nominated for delegate must be in good standing (owing less than three months in dues).

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