The statement below was issued by the Young Socialists National Steering Committee.
Young Socialists salute the youth and workers who protested Patrick Buchanan in Arizona. In standing up and telling the truth about the ultrarightist demagogue, these fighters pricked the balloon of his perceived popularity among all working people. Even though the wealthy rulers want us to believe politics has moved to the right, these actions show the wide-open possibilities to fight back.
Members of the YS are joining with others to set a similar example in every state Buchanan visits. We call on all young people who want to fight against the reactionary bipartisan drive to war and economic catastrophe to build protests both against Buchanan and Washington's anti-Cuba threats.
We invite all youth to also join us at our convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 6-7, where we will draw a balance sheet on these actions and plan the next steps forward. We encourage everyone to help sell the Militant and Pathfinder books, to get out the truth and to arm us for these struggles.