Following Pathfinder's launching of a financial appeal to raise the more than $100,000 needed to repair the building where publisher's offices and printing plant are located, four supporters of Pathfinder kicked off the effort with contributions totaling $12,207. The south wall of the building, on which the Pathfinder Mural is painted, has serious water and structural damage that threatens the long-term usability of the building.
One contributor gave $10,000 from an inheritance. And three members of the United Steelworkers of America pooled their recent contract bonuses for a collective contribution of $2,207 toward the long-term capital requirements for producing revolutionary and Marxist books and pamphlets. The fund appeal is to those in a position to contribute $1,000 and more from trusts, signing bonuses, inheritances, buyouts, and other windfalls. Any one interested in making a contribution, or more information, can contact Pathfinder, 410 West Street, New York, NY 10014.
Pathfinder Mural Reproduction
To carry out the repairs the well known Pathfinder Mural will
have to be removed. Supporters of the mural are asking for
contributions toward a large photographic mural reproduction and a
display of a history of the Mural for the Pathfinder Mural
bookstore. To help, you can send a donation to the Pathfinder
Mural Bookstore, 167 Charles St., New York, NY 10014.
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