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    Vol.60/No.29           August 19, 1996 
New `Militant' Business Manager  

Beginning with this issue, Maurice Williams is the business manager of the Militant.

Williams, 39, has been a Militant staff writer since May 1994. He has written regularly on a wide range of topics, such as the U.S.-NATO war drive against Yugoslavia, the popular resistance to the Russian army's occupation of Chechnya, the U.S. ruler's attempts to attack Medicare and other social gains, and the growing use of the death penalty in this country.

He has provided firsthand coverage for the paper on the recent United Nations hearings on Puerto Rico's colonial status (see elsewhere in this issue), the NAACP convention held in July in Charlotte, North Carolina; and the Million Man March last October in the U.S. capital. In addition, Williams has frequently written the popular In Brief column. He will remain a staff writer for the Militant.

Before joining the paper's staff, Williams was a meatpacker at the Monfort packinghouse in Marshalltown, Iowa. He was well known by his co-workers as a unionist and a socialist who sold the Militant and Pathfinder books on the job and participated with others in broader political activities, which he frequently covered for the Militant. In Des Moines, Iowa, he ran as the Socialist Workers candidate for city council. He was previously a member of the Steelworkers union in Cleveland, where he was active building and recruiting to the communist movement.

Naomi Craine, the business manager for the past three years, has been serving as the editor of the Militant since April.  
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