The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.60/No.33           September 23, 1996 
Protests Against Bombing Of Iraq Continue  


As U.S. warplanes prepared to launch a third round of missile strikes in southern Iraq, the Militant received reports of protests and planned actions in a number of cities. Last week we reported on modest protest actions in Boston, New York, and San Francisco. Below are some of the latest reports filed by our reader-correspondents. Readers involved in picket lines, demonstrations, teach-ins or other protests against Washington's war moves are encouraged to send in short articles, notes, and photos.


LOS ANGELES - Some 30 people demonstrated in front of the downtown Federal building here September 10. The protest denounced the recent bombings of Iraq by Washington. As protesters headed downtown, the announcement came that Clinton was preparing new air and missile strikes. We resolved at the protest that whenever the bombing occurred, the activists would organize a protest. Two radio stations covered the September 10 action. BY GAETAN WHISTON

MINNEAPOLIS - Chanting "U.S. Hands off Iraq!" and "No Blood for Oil!" 60 people gathered in front of the Federal Building here September 4 to protest the U.S. bombing of Iraq.

Some of the protesters were activists from the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, Women against Military Madness, Veterans for Peace, the Socialist Workers Party, and the Young Socialists. They distributed leaflets to passers-by, denouncing both the latest war moves and the five- year economic embargo against Iraq. Immediately after the third bombing was announced, organizers of the first action called another demonstration at the Federal Building for September 13.


PEORIA, Illinois - A dozen people participated in a picket at the downtown Federal Building here September 5 to protest the U.S. bombing of Iraq. The event, sponsored by the Peoria Area Peace Network, was covered by two television stations and a radio station.

Trade unionists, college and high school students, and others attended a special Militant Labor Forum the next evening. The meeting was addressed by Frank Forrestal, Socialist Workers candidate for U.S. Senate in Illinois, and John Greiner of the Peoria Area Peace Network. BY ESTELLE DEBATES

MORGANTOWN, West Virginia - "Our campaign condemns the Clinton administrations' aggression against the people of Iraq with the 27 cruise missiles fired into that country this morning," said Dennis Richter, Socialist Workers candidate for West Virginia governor. Richter was speaking at the monthly membership meeting of Equality For All Americans, a local organization made up primarily of Black workers.

"They say this action was carried out to defend the Kurdish people. But the people in this room know this government has never and will never act in the interests of the oppressed or working people either in this country or anywhere in the world."

Several veterans of the civil rights movement and struggles by union miners took part in the discussion. Many agreed that their experiences fit what Richter was explaining.


SALT LAKE CITY, Utah - "I oppose U.S. military aggression against the Iraqi people and demand the U.S. government get all its military forces out of the Mideast," stated John Langford, Socialist Workers candidate for U.S. Congress in the Third District. Langford and Dan Fein, Socialist Workers candidate for governor of Utah, were speaking at the United Steelworkers Local 2701 Labor Day picnic, where they were warmly received. Some 2,000 unionists, family members, and friends were in attendance.


AUCKLAND, New Zealand - On September 6 a demonstration of 40 Iraqi immigrants marched through the main street of this city to picket outside the U.S. Consulate. They carried placards condemning the U.S. bombing and demanding an end to the trade sanctions against Iraq.

That evening a special Militant Labor Forum featured Eugen Lepou, Communist League candidate for Auckland Central. "Our campaign demands an end to the U.S. imperialist aggression against Iraq and the withdrawal of all United States and United Nations forces - including the New Zealand government's warships and military personnel - from the Middle East," Lepou said.  
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