In carrying out this atrocity, Fujimori won enthusiastic praise from Washington and other capitalist governments around the world.
This operation was directed by the same president who suspended the constitution in 1992 and gave broad repressive powers to the military in the name of fighting terrorism. Over the last six and a half years, the Fujimori regime has trampled democratic rights, jailed its opponents under horrendous conditions, and imposed brutal austerity measures. All of this again is carried out with the financial and political aid of Washington.
The rulers in Peru and elsewhere attempt to gain acceptance for their barbaric acts by dehumanizing and smearing the Túpac Amaru rebels. But their violent repression is aimed not only at the rebels, but at all who seek to resist the capitalist assaults on their living conditions and democratic rights.
The extent of brutality and violence the wealthy rulers of the United States and their subordinates in Peru and elsewhere are capable of, has been demonstrated once again in the cold-blooded and well-prepared military assault and killing of the Túpac Amaru rebels.
The Militant urges our readers to join with others in
denouncing this brutality by the Fujimori regime and its
U.S. backers.
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