The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.61/No.31           September 15, 1997 
Stop The Extradition Of H-Block Four!  
About 100 people rallied outside the federal building in San Francisco August 22 to protest the decision of U.S. District Judge Charles Legge to deny bail to the remaining three H-Block Four Irish political prisoners - Kevin Barry Artt, Pól Brennan, and Terence Kirby. This sets the stage for their extradition to Northern Ireland, sought by London. A similar protest was held the same day in San Diego. The three are among 38 Irish inmates who escaped from the infamous Long Kesh prison in Northern Ireland in 1983. They were held in the H-Block part of the jail, known for the harsh treatment of prisoners. They were arrested in California between 1992 and 1994 and held for extradition. Jimmy Smyth, the fourth of the H-Block Four, has already been deported to N. Ireland. The Irish American Unity Conference, which organized the protests, is asking people to demand from U.S. president William Clinton that the extraditions be stopped and that their rights be included in the British-Irish all-party talks under way.  
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