Vol.61/No.32 September 22, 1997
A sentence in the article "New gov't does not quell
unrest in PNG" in Militant issue no. 31 was accidentally
garbled in editing. The sentence that began on page 6 and
ended on page 7 should have read: "But the last-minute
decision to back the government by prominent activist
leaders of the March revolt who stood for Parliament as
Independents and won, such as Melasnesian Solidarity
(Melsol) leader Peti Lafanama and Father Robert Lak, who
defeated Wingti, shocked many according to John."
In the same issue, the article titled "Diana Spencer's
death spotlights troubles of British monarchy," on page 16,
incorrectly stated that Spencer's bodyguard was injured in
the auto crash. The injured man was working as a bodyguard
for Emad Mohammed al-Fayed.
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