The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.61/No.32           September 22, 1997 
Airline safety On August 7 Fine Air Flight #101 crashed at the Miami Airport killing all four people on board and one person on the ground. Several weeks prior to the crash the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) suspended 29 of the company's 59 pilots for flying with dangerously heavy loads. To date the FAA has not taken any action against the company.

In the days following the DC-8 crash facts came to light concerning Fine Air's practice of overloading cargo on its planes, falsifying flight records, and cutting corners on aircraft maintenance. On August 14 the Miami Herald reported on Fine Air's practice of overloading airplanes and its systematic method of overloading airplanes. Interviewing several former employees, the Herald reported that while the FAA and Fine Air have maintained that the final call on whether or not to fly a plane rests with the pilot, planes were often (over) loaded at the last minute without the pilot's knowledge.

On August 25 Miami Herald reported that since the crash of Flight 101, Fine Air pilots have met with representatives of the Teamsters union in Miami to discuss unionization of the flight crews.

Captain John Truman, senior pilot at the cargo airline explained, "We've been talking about this for some time, but the accident really brought it to the forefront."

Truman explained to the Herald that the pilots' chief concern has always been overloaded planes. Other problems at the airlines include worn cargo netting that could allow the freight to shift in flight.

A representative from the Teamsters explained that the pilots were satisfied with their pay and the move to join the union was "the result of dissatisfaction .. with safety [issues]."

Rachele Fruit

Miami, Florida

Free elections?
Uncle Sam claims he believes in free elections. Oh? I have three questions to prove Uncle Sam to be the liar he is.

First, why not let the people of Okinawa vote on the issue of an American military presence?

Second, why not let the people of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia vote on establishing a multi-party democratic government?

And third, why not let the Hawaiian people vote on whether they want the Hawaiian or American flag over Hawaii?

Afraid of something, Uncle Sam?


Minneapolis, Minnesota

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