The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.61/No.36           October 20, 1997 
Pathfinder Fund Picks Up Steam  

NEW YORK - Pathfinder fund supporters around the world narrowed the gap between the "should be" and "paid" pledges with the best one-week collection to date, sending in contributions totaling $17,441. This more than doubled any previous one-week collection, and set the pace needed in the remainder of the drive. To successfully raise $125,000 on time, Pathfinder should receive $18,000 weekly over the next four weeks.

San Francisco fund backers led the way, organizing a collection of $3,315 at their October 4 fund rally, in the course of which they also raised their goal by $1,500 to $11,000.

Two new goals were adopted - in France and Iceland - and two others - Chicago and Twin Cities - were raised.

From Paris, Nat London writes, supporters of the fund "have adopted a goal of $400 (2,400 francs). We already have 1,850 francs in pledges and a good part of the remaining goal will be raised by contributions from our co-workers at the Renault and GEC Alsthom auto plants." In his note, he explained they are distributing a fund-raising letter among these workers, following it up with discussions on why they should contribute to the fund. "As a result of these discussions, several Pathfinder books have also been sold," he added.

Jeff Payne, a rail worker and Pathfinder Reader's Club member in New York, sent a note with a contribution. Pathfinder, he said "enables working people to have access to books which challenge the mind to give serious thought to alternative courses for society today. Now, as I read articles in the capitalist press I am able to clearly cut through the doublespeak and understand whose interest they serve; and it certainly is not the world's workers. I have realized that at 51 I'm not too old to grasp new ideas which have been around a long time."

The rail worker noted that Pathfinder books helped him understand the place of the Cuban revolution in the world today, and added, "As a union worker I would highly recommend the Teamster series by Farrell Dobbs, which I'm currently reading. Mr. Dobbs shows that workers, when well organized, can bring about changes in their industries. I have come to picture world capitalism as a tick, its head firmly entrenched in the collective back of the world's working class. It grows larger sucking up profits created by the workers, and returns only enough to allow them to survive to create more wealth for the few. Thanks again for the tools to allow me to better understand the roads to look down for a better society."

Contributions should be made to the Pathfinder Fund and mailed to Pathfinder, 410 West Street, New York, NY 10014, or contact the Pathfinder bookstore nearest you listed on page 12.  
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