This column is written and edited by the Young
Socialists (YS), an international organization of
young workers, students, and other youth fighting for
socialism. For more information about the YS write to:
Young Socialists, 1573 N. Milwaukee, P.O. Box #478,
Chicago, Ill. 60622.
Tel: (773) 772-0551. Compuserve: 105162,605
ST. PAUL, Minnesota - The Young Socialists (YS) chapter sponsored a Socialist Educational Weekend here in the Twin Cities March 13-14. The main presentation was a Militant Labor Forum titled "Revolutionary Cuba Today and the Fight Against the Yankee `Indispensable; Nation" by YS leader Joshua Carroll. Carroll had recently returned from a Militant reporting trip to the Havana International Book Fair. Also part of the educational weekend were two classes, one on the U.S. war drive against Iraq, given by Gaetan Whiston, and the other on the history of internationalism in the Cuban revolution, given by Carroll.
Leading up to the weekend's events, the YS staffed tables with the Militant and Pathfinder literature on campuses, and in working-class communities; and sponsored a class on socialism and the fight against imperialism and war at St. Olaf College.
Aaron Blyth, a young worker, came to the class on Cuba's internationalism after receiving a flyer for the educational weekend at the socialists' table two weeks before. Blyth had once been part of a socialist club at his college and said he came to find out more about what is going on in politics today. "The class was an eye-opener, especially on what the Cubans are doing now, since the revolution, in their fight against imperialism," he said. Blyth bought Socialism on Trial by James P. Cannon and he plans on going out on sales with the YS.
Ryan Simonson, a 20-year-old student from Minneapolis College of Art and Design, came to the Militant Labor Forum to hear Carroll's reportback from the Havana book fair. Carroll began the forum by describing imperialism's drive toward war. He said that "while today U.S. war threats are aimed at Iraq, imperialism's ultimate goal is the restoration of capitalism in Russia and throughout the Eastern European workers states." He pointed to the example of the Cuban revolution as "the answer to imperialism." He pointed to its record of fighting imperialism and linking up with others around the world who want to do the same. Simonson described this image of the Cuban revolution as "the opposite of what the media paints," which resembles a "picture of a fading revolution that deteriorates as Fidel ages." He bought a subscription to the Militant after the weekend's activities.
Sarah Dunne, a 14-year-old high school student, came with the YS to St. Olaf for the class they gave and attended the Educational Weekend as well. She had read Guerrilla Warfare by Cuban revolutionary leader Ernesto Che Guevara and had become interested in the Cuban revolution. Dunne is a defender of the Irish fight against British imperialism. She said that she is considering joining the Young Socialists. "I share a lot of its views, and I hope to be able to go back to Ireland and be part of the struggle for socialism there," she said. Dunne renewed her subscription to the Militant over the course of the weekend.
The Young Socialists in the Twin Cities took a goal of selling 12 Militant subscriptions during the current circulation drive.
They are also actively building an upcoming anti- imperialist conference, which Camilo Guevara, Che Guevara's son; Orlando Borrego, professor of economics at the University of Havana; and Juan Mari Bras, a central figure in the struggle for Puerto Rican independence, have been invited to speak (see ad on back page).