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    Vol.62/No.14           April 13, 1998 
More Than 100,000 Across France Protest Rightist National Front  
More than 100,000 people rallied March 28 in Paris and 40 other cities across the country to protest the ultrarightist National Front (FN) party. The lead banner read: "Together for liberty, equality, and fraternity." Chants included, "F like fascist, N like Nazi," and "Down! Down! Down with the National Front!" The FN received 15 percent of the vote in mid-March provincial elections. In five provinces members of French president Jacques Chirac's Rally for the Republic (RPR) party and the allied Union for French Democracy (UDF) accepted the votes of FN counselors to win the provincial presidencies. The five have since resigned under pressure from Chirac and other politicians in the RPR and UDF. The March 28 protest culminated a week of demonstrations against the FN.  
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