The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.62/No.21           June 1, 1998 
`Militant' Sales Get Great Response  

"During the last morning of the campaign to win new readers to the socialist press we sold six Militant subscriptions to co-workers," wrote Gale Shangold from Los Angeles. Three workers at the ARCO oil refinery bought subscriptions, as did two workers at United Airlines. "On May 15 we sold 60 more issues of the Militant to longshoremen, and since the drive has been over, we sold four more Perspectiva Mundial subs in our bookstore."

Militant supporters around the world continue to get a great response to the socialist press, especially at factory gates and picket lines.

"We sold a copy of New International no. 7 and some 40 copies of the Militant to participants at a May 17 rally of 1,000 people in New York who were protesting 50 years of Israeli occupation of Palestinian land," said supporter Nell Wheeler from Newark, New Jersey. Mary Nell Bockman, also from Newark, reports, "On May 16 we sold 17 copies of the Militant, a subscription, and one copy of Malcolm X talks to Young People to members of the Service Employees International Union, who were coming out of their meeting that discussed a contract proposal from the Newark School Board. We also went to Port Newark where we sold eight Militants near the union hiring hall where longshore workers are dispatched to load and unload ships."

"Over the past three weeks we have sold a total of 95 papers" to workers at Northwest Airlines, reports Tom Fiske from Minnesota. This includes papers sold by socialist workers at the airport, a regular sales team at the credit union, and roadside sales near the employee parking lot.

Chris Remple from Pittsburgh wrote: "A team of three steelworkers from Pittsburgh and two from Cleveland traveled through southern West Virginia May 14-16 to sell the Militant and Pathfinder books to coal miners and other workers in the region. The team sold 10 copies of the Militant at four different mine portals. We sold five Militants at a Norfolk Southern rail yard in Williamson, West Virginia and seven at Century Aluminum (formerly Ravenswood Aluminum) in Ravenswood, West Virginia. At one of the mine portals, the nonunion Pontiki mine in eastern Kentucky, we sold six copies of the Militant."

The team also met with three longtime Militant supporters who bought a one-year Militant subscription, a 12- week renewal to the socialist newsweekly and two Pathfinder books on Ernesto Che Guevara and the Cuban revolution.

"Workers at the Anheuser-Busch plant in Cartersville, Georgia, bought 12 copies of the Militant," said James Harris from Atlanta. These unionists along with Teamsters at 11 other breweries rejected the company's so-called final offer and have taken a strike vote. "Our sales team was invited to participate in their weekly rally held from 6:00 a.m.-8:00 a.m. at the shift change."

Finally, a note of apology. Last week's sales chart incorrectly listed the final sales results for some supporters. Atlanta supporters sold 37 Militant subscriptions, 105 percent of their goal. Supporters in Los Angeles sold 92 copies of New International, supporters in Detroit made their goals for sales of New International, and in Australia socialists in the Amalgamated Manufacturers union and the Textile, Clothing, and Footwear union each sold a Militant subscription.  
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