The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.62/No.37           October 19, 1998 
Collect NI Fund  
The publication of the latest issue of New International, titled "U.S. Imperialism Has Lost the Cold War," could not come at a better time for working-class fighters. This political weapon is needed by those who want to understand the driving forces behind Washington's latest moves toward a military assault against the Yugoslav worker state and why we should oppose them. It's needed to arm workers, farmers, and young people who are repelled by capitalism and are looking - today - for a road to change the world. Initial sales reports indicate that New International no. 11 is already finding an eager audience.

That's why the New International Fund was launched September 19, with the goal of raising $115,000 by November 15. This money is needed now to cover the costs of producing New International no. 11, which has just gone back to press and has come out with improved photographs illustrating its pages. The funds are needed urgently to produce similar issues of Nueva Internacional in Spanish, Nouvelle Internationale in French, and Ny International in Swedish. Translation and editorial work is under way on all three new editions.

To raise this sum of money, supporters of New International must shift gears decisively this week and launch a real fund- raising campaign.

After the second week in the eight-week drive, some $5,000 of the $115,000 has been collected - but the campaign should already be at about $29,000 (see the chart on page 5). Organizing a big push right now is the only way to be in a position to reach out broadly for contributions among fellow working people, students, and others who value New International.

This effort is intertwined with the current campaign to sell subscriptions to the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial and copies of New International. The sooner public fund-raising meetings can be organized - not leaving them to the end of the campaign - the more contributions can be raised. We urge our readers to take the steps necessary to turn around this campaign today and make it a success - every week for the next six weeks.

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