The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.62/No.42           November 23, 1998 
Bad headline
I thought the headline on the article by Ruth Gray in the November 2 issue of the Militant, "New Zealanders protest workfare laws" was at odds with the Militant's normal practice. You don't usually define workers or other participants in protests or strike actions by their nationality unless they are members of an oppressed nationality or there is some other specific reason. I thought maybe it was just a space problem, but quickly came up with some suitable alternatives, all of a similar length. For example:

Rally protests workfare in New Zealand

New Zealand workfare laws condemned

Workfare laws protested in New Zealand

Workers in New Zealand protest workfare

Protest slams New Zealand workfare laws.

Michael Tucker

Auckland, New Zealand

Editors' reply: We agree. Your suggested alternatives are better and conform to Militant style.

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